What's new with you?

Well hello there.  It's been a little while since we spoke.  Things here are busy as usual.  I'm back in school this year finishing up a Music Arts program in Sydney, which means that the wheels on my car don't stop turning much.  the summer was insanely busy with shows all over the province.  I got to meet so many of you and in times like these that was especially nice.  

The frost is getting thick here in the mornings, and winter is not far away.  It is my hope that I'll find myself back in the studio this month to record my single, "Leave a Light On."  I'm gonna have some help with this one and I'm really looking forward to it.  As an artist, after a busy touring season, it's nice to have a little downtime.  you need it to regroup and plan for the upcoming year, but it also leaves you feeling like you're not doing anything.  In a world of social media that can be a terrifying endeavor!  

the nice thing about it though is that it gives you time to think.  Miss Robyn has been busy taking courses through CBMIC that will help with things going forward and we're hopeful that this year will be as fruitful as the last.  I have a couple of shows coming up. You can find the details here on the website.  

I've recently started writing for the East magazine, too!  It's a great publication that keeps you abreast of the arts and culture scene in Atlantic Canada, so I highly suggest you check it out and subscribe.

Well it's been nice catching up.  Feel free to say hello if we run into each other, and don't forget to be kind to people. It's the most important thing.